How to Read Shiny Dropdown Input Values

Build Interactive Dashboards With R Shiny

What is a Shiny App?

The Shiny library helps you turn your analyses into interactive spider web applications without requiring HTML, CSS, or Javascript knowledge, and provides a powerful web framework for building web applications using R.

Existence able to create Shiny apps is a great skill to take because it enables you to communicate your insights to not-technical stakeholders and requite them the tools to conduct their own analysis!

R Shiny



The skeleton of any Shiny app consists of a user interface (ui) and a server. The UI is where the visual elements are placed such as a scatter plot or dropdown menu. The server is where the logic of the app is implemented, for example, what happens once you click on the download button. And this exactly where Shiny shines: combining inputs with outputs.

                                      library                    (                    shiny                    )                    ui                    <-                    fluidPage                    ()                    server                    <-                    function                    (                    input                    ,                    output                    ){}                    shinyApp                    (                    ui                    =                    ui                    ,                    server                    =                    server                    )                                  


Create a 2-column construction with a small console on the left and a main panel on the right.

                                      ui                    <-                    fluidPage                    (                    sidebarLayout                    (                    sidebarPanel                    (                    "This is the sidebar"                    ),                    mainPanel                    (                    "Main panel goes here"                    )                    )                    )                                  

Distribute your data across multiple tabs (alternative to a sidebar layout).

                                      tabsetPanel                    (                    tabPanel                    (                    title                    =                    "tab 1"                    ,                    h1                    (                    "Overview"                    ),                    "Content goes here"                    ),                    tabPanel                    (                    championship                    =                    "tab 2"                    ,                    "The content of the second tab"                    ),                    tabPanel                    (                    title                    =                    "tab 3"                    ,                    "The content of the third tab"                    )                    )                                  




Define a placeholder for plots, tables, and text in the user interface (ui) and server side (server).

  • Text can be formatted as headers (e.yard., h1(), h2()) or printed in bold (strong()) or italics (em()) format.
  • The ggplotly() part tin convert a ggplot2 plot into an interactive one (e.g., motility, zoom, export prototype features that are non available in the standard renderPlot() role).
  • Similarly, the DT::dataTableOutput("tabular array") (in the ui) and the DT::renderDataTable() (in the server) from the DT package enrich the renderTable role. See a alive instance here.

                                      # ui                    plotOutput                    (                    outputId                    =                    "plot"                    ),                    tableOutput                    (                    outputId                    =                    "table"                    ),                    textOutput                    (                    outputId                    =                    "text"                    )                    # ----------------------------                    # server                    output                    $                    plot                    <-                    renderPlot                    ({                    plot                    (                    10                    ,                    y                    ,                    ...                    )                    })                    output                    $                    table                    <-                    renderTable                    ({                    data                    })                    output                    $                    text                    <-                    renderText                    ({                    "Some text"                    })                                  

Control Widgets

Text box

                                      # textbox that accepts both numeric and alphanumeric input                    textInput                    (                    inputId                    =                    "title"                    ,                    label                    =                    "Text box championship"                    ,                    value                    =                    "Text box content"                    )                                  


Text Box

Numeric input

                                      # text box that only accepts numeric information between one and 30                    numericInput                    (                    inputId                    =                    "num"                    ,                    label                    =                    "Number of cars to bear witness"                    ,                    value                    =                    ten                    ,                    min                    =                    i                    ,                    max                    =                    30                    )                                  


Numeric input


                                      # slider that goes from 35 to 42 degrees with increments of 0.1                    sliderInput                    (                    inputId                    =                    "temperature"                    ,                    label                    =                    "Body temperature"                    ,                    min                    =                    35                    ,                    max                    =                    42                    ,                    value                    =                    37.5                    ,                    footstep                    =                    0.1                    )                                  



Range selector

                                      # slider that allows the user to prepare a range (rather than a single value)                    sliderInput                    (                    inputId                    =                    "price"                    ,                    label                    =                    "Price (€)"                    ,                    value                    =                    c                    (                    39                    ,                    69                    ),                    min                    =                    0                    ,                    max                    =                    99                    )                                  


Range selector

Radio buttons

                                      # input field that allows for a unmarried selection                    radioButtons                    (                    inputId                    =                    "radio"                    ,                    label                    =                    "Choose your preferred time slot"                    ,                    choices                    =                    c                    (                    "09:00 - 09:30"                    ,                    "09:30 - 10:00"                    ,                    "10:00 - x:30"                    ,                    "x:30 - 11:00"                    ,                    "11:00 - eleven:30"                    ),                    selected                    =                    "10:00 - 10:30"                    )                                  


Radio buttons

Dropdown bill of fare

                                      # a dropdown menu is useful when you have plenty of options and you don't desire to listing them all below one another                    selectInput                    (                    inputId                    =                    "major"                    ,                    characterization                    =                    "Major"                    ,                    choices                    =                    c                    (                    "Business Administration"                    ,                    "Data Science"                    ,                    "Econometrics & Operations Research"                    ,                    "Economics"                    ,                    "Liberal Arts"                    ,                    "Industrial Engineering"                    ,                    "Marketing Direction"                    ,                    "Marketing Analytics"                    ,                    "Psychology"                    ),                    selected                    =                    "Marketing Analytics"                    )                                  


Dropdown menu

Dropdown menu (multiple selections)

                                      # dropdown carte du jour that allows for multiple selections (east.g., both R and JavaScript)                    selectInput                    (                    inputId                    =                    "programming_language"                    ,                    characterization                    =                    "Programming Languages"                    ,                    choices                    =                    c                    (                    "HTML"                    ,                    "CSS"                    ,                    "JavaScript"                    ,                    "Python"                    ,                    "R"                    ,                    "Stata"                    ),                    selected                    =                    "R"                    ,                    multiple                    =                    TRUE                    )                                  


Dropdown menu multiple selections


                                      # oftentimes used to let the user confirm their agreement                    checkboxInput                    (                    inputId                    =                    "concord"                    ,                    label                    =                    "I hold to the terms and weather"                    ,                    value                    =                    True                    )                                  




                                      # either insert a hexadecmial color lawmaking or use the interactive picker                    library                    (                    colourpicker                    )                    # you may kickoff demand to install the package                    colourInput                    (                    input                    =                    "colour"                    ,                    characterization                    =                    "Select a colour"                    ,                    value                    =                    "bluish"                    )                                  



Download Push

Add a download push to your Shiny app and so that users tin can directly download their current data selection in csv-format and open the data in a spreadsheet program (east.g., Excel).

                                      ui                    <-                    fluidPage                    (                    downloadButton                    (                    outputId                    =                    "download_data"                    ,                    label                    =                    "Download"                    )                    )                    server                    <-                    function                    (                    input                    ,                    output                    )                    {                    output                    $                    download_data                    <-                    downloadHandler                    (                    filename                    =                    "download_data.csv"                    ,                    content                    =                    function                    (                    file                    )                    {                    data                    <-                    filtered_data                    ()                    write.csv                    (                    data                    ,                    file                    ,                    row.names                    =                    FALSE                    )                    }                    )                    }                                  

An Case

The Shiny app beneath visualizes Google'due south COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports of the Netherlands. A step-past-footstep tutorial (incl. source code) tin be establish hither.

See Also

  • A course on learning Shiny and its necessary package
  • Interactive Web Apps with shiny Cheat Sail
  • Shiny User Showcase



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