Super Artist Creates Super Unsettling Super Meat Boy Box Art


Who expected the titular character of Super Meat Male child to be sol, emergency room, beefy?

Super Meat Son is a wide-acclaimed and brutally-problematic platformer starring a bit chunk of raw meat (the aptly called Meat Boy) who looks like this (on the leftfield). When the independent hit sees a boxed "Special Edition" release, however, the version of Heart and soul Boy adorning the box prowess will look slimly different.

That is to say, he'll look like the guy in the epitome you see here to the right. This "realistic" interpretation of Nub Male child, Bandage Girl and the nefarious Dr. Fetus is the work of Charming: The Gathering artist Dave Rapoza, and something about it unsettles the bejeezus outer of ME.

I can't put my fingerbreadth connected fitting what it is (other than the entirety of the image), but mankin, this affair looks weird. Who knew that a little chunk of meat was in actuality a slice of beefcake?

In all seriousness, I love this art. It's uproariously over-the-top off, and its supposedly-lifelike rendering of Nitty-gritt Boy brings to mind other classic box art, where artists had to conceptualize how 8-bit sprites mightiness look in an effective real-universe surroundings. It's the Sami process that gave United States that notorious box fine art for the first Mega Humans, and I love it.

(Team Meat Blog)


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